Sunday, February 14, 2010

Whilst a Wishlist............

Hmm....valentines day!

Ended pretty sad and I was ultimately broke from what all the angles one could have.....
Im not a love failure....But everything was terrible now.....

At this moment, i must really bring myself out..cheer up myself...lets see how i shal do it and try doing similar when u r in similar situation....

These are some of the things which i wish to be accomplished in future....


yeah! as the title says..I wana DO these thing atleast for a while in ma life time..before i die...I often wonder why i have been talking abt death too much...well...I even feel im gonna die with in 10years..lets see in near future whether i have sixth sense or im just some psycho kinda guy...If at all i die in 10years...some1 pls comment to this blog stating that I have sixth sense...oHh noooo..why im going sad..again...common..cheer...refresh....rightclick..refresh..f5..refresh...hmmm...

BUNGY JUMP..................'
yeah...this is perhaps the first thing i wana do...strange..I find some similarities with a situation in ma first post...Or in deep down somewher in my heart i really wanna figure it out how it would be like falling down from a top in practical?....or im too adventurous with in?.........

Actually It has been long wondered that i cant do this stuff..but later...When i learned to be experimentative, this came to my mind first..Pretty falling and more over safe too. I started to search this stuff in south india as soon as i first broke...wonder why i wana have a bungy jump when im upset...I guess i wana feel that my life is in my the leader/controller of my life and to reactivate my self hope.

Sky diving......

Its like climbing a new higher step after you have reached where you wished first...If i could bungy jump..then giving this a try is absolutely logical....

Now dont think that im gonna planing to suicide by not pulling the glider and hit the ground...Firstly its very costly so i wana see how it feels like and dont wana lose half the money worth joy...Secondly..I would not be allowed to jump alone unless im an expert and posses some certificates....Well this is something im still scared yet..but on the other day I saw an indian producer girl of my age has been doing this twice ........So i've made up my mind..if at all a girl do that why cant dont mess me abt girls equalities with boys...both are great at diff diff aspects and a message for fighter girls "if you think women are greater than men and can do many stuff...just stop taking seats offered by boys in public transport and stop forming a second line of women wher there must be no seperate queue....just keep fighting with men in queues and seats as you fight for the abilities of women"

INDIAN sword fight

I insist..the INDIAN one...Although i like watching french,english and Chinese..Im an indian to the core and i especially feel our sword fight is much hard, dynamic and artistic as well as powerful...Its sad that this art is no more available in most parts of india...on the contrary side..films having such sequences often ask the actors to learn and they feed those teachers....In near future..if I have litle mony and time, I would go to kerala and learn it......who day i might become the teacher for a million bucks actor(actress..;P)

Walk along the cliff...

Yeah...This one is influenced from films...absolutely true...When i see people walking on the cliff or a plane traveling along the cliff edge...I used to wonder how it feels like....This has a sub aspect too...I always wonder to stay in a cloud when its raining...Now dont ask stupid logical technical qsns..I just wana see how it would be like in a cloud that is raining and got struck in the cliff top...
This might not be fulfilled any sooner as mountain climbing needs lot of practice and im that much lazy to start a blog after pondering almost 8months doing nothing ....not even thinking....

Bale dance.......(ballet)

Now dont tell that this if for girls...have you gone blind,,thers a boy too and its much hard for boys to do ballet as being that tough to lift a woman as well as being that lean to match her figure and being that felxible to look easthetic is a BIG DEAL...ok now for all those who think ballet is easy...just bend your toes to make it appear as a straight line from the ankle....walk like that for a jump and set back in the same say!!!!!
There is a strong reason why i wana learn this....excluding the fact that its awesome..its verymuch expressive and intimate...i can show off the whole world that i love her..i can protect her..I can match up with her moves...Although men dont like it much to show off love...his girl would be so proud and happy...So i though of doing this for my girl exclusively.... i guess this is not available in a professional way in india and such arts are not appreciated by the masses...I might probably learn abroad or if at all i fall in love with a bale dancer, she can teach me for bonus..i dont have to teach my girl and time shall be saved...Oh common..Accept that im smart than you...;P


Yeah..I invented that need to pay me royalty if at all u wana use it. I always love spying..since childhood..SO i wished to have a telescope when i moved to a city to study lifes of people in a bulding..But in india glass walls arent much IN. sO I might do it when i live abroad in a city.....I wana keep a record of each family livingthere.. frndsvisiting.. parties.. occasion... affairs(if at all i found luckily) etc etc

pls dont call me peeping tom...i dont wana see them making love..although i would not stop seeing if suddenly a couple start making love...but genuinely im not intrested in dat stuff...(im a boy and believe me at your own risk..;P)..turst me..i sware on your pet's aunt's mother..i have no such a good boy...

yeah..dats beckham....
I dont wanna be a macho body builder who doesnt fit in a car..Im not anyfan of beckham either...As i mentioned must be sleek to perform ballet and athlet body is like something normal and natural rather than eating 100eggs a day and working 200hours in gym and taking protein supplements to puff ur body with hollow stuff...If i put it simply..I WANT A HEALTHY..FIT..FLEXIBLE..SEXY BODY that looks just normal when you wear a shirt.

Im soon going to shift to this hairstyle too as my hair is falling off. This lenght of hair is normally stiff and dont fall of and doesnt need much grooming.... before you wonder..i'd rather clarify not gonna tatoo like not comfortable with tattoo..secondly...its unnatural...If at all i wish to have a tattoo, i prefer my personal 2D barcode which can render my name,address etc and could come handy when i go GAJINI or just have a small "OM" on my arm...thats it...

Friendy designer...

not trendy..its read right....Actually i always wished to become a designer..A FASHION DESIGNER ofcourse...Its more over like a hobby or interest rather than a goal or passion...Well..i dont make any trends but i groom myself &my frnds to appear as if "hey..he looks nice today!!" type guy on spl occasions...but on a regular day...i dress out like a complete geek..thats out of point now..anyway...

So my wish is to make it a bit professionally or perhaps seriously....I wish to design myfrnds some cool party outfit if he/she notifies me and just gift them that in need. They rely on me as well as feel proud abt me and themselves too....They show off....Its like the word spread and all my close friends will remain in contact with me forever...

Just imagine, on a close frnds gathering,everyone is wearing what i've designed and when one asks what you are wearing..all of them just shout "ITS FROM Mr.D's COLLECTIONNNNNN"....lovely..isnt it?...aHHH...I got tears.....;)

WORK for an orphanage....
I dont wana visit some those kids..and spend a day in an year..I wana supply their needs..I wana work for them partime...they must feel excited when i come...I dont wana buy chocolates for making them happy..I wana buy them some great them good movies...tell them inspiring stories....groom them so that they shal do something similar in future....simlpy i wana make them live...and let live...


All these are my wishes for now...
Lets see how many could be turning true...
Lets see what god has put in my surprize lifebox....

keep looking here for any status of such fulfilled wishes..and prey god..if you wish to make my wishes come true and wish what i wish shal remain nomore a wish.....

im damn sleepy by me any mistakes or errors....

pls..plss...plsss coment......if i dont receive shal i know i must proceed or not?


  1. Well, dream dream dream dream and dream some more ... After Dreaming write all your Dreams and check whether they remain as Dream or you can try to make it real ..

    Anyway good one... Hope you'll achieve them..

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. hey mr.d, u knw wht..

    ur wishes r lyk stars.. cmg 2 stars--u may never touch them.. bt if u folow them defnt'ly they will lead u 2 ur destiny :)

    so common now... lyf z 2 short... implement it soon...:)

  4. I guess you will fulfill all your dreams.. because most of dreams are my dreams too.. and I know I am going to fulfill them.

    Nice blog!

  5. Woowww .... I think you just almost put down my wishlist there ... Of course go on.... get out and do all that stuff ....... I know I wanna do it tooo :))
